Humidification Systems For Printing Facilities

Did you know humidity is actually good for paper and printing equipment?

Printing press facilities that use Fogco’s humidification systems have seen a dramatic improvement in print production when maintaining proper humidification levels. Paper can gain and lose moisture quickly, causing it to curl and dry. Controlling your relative humidity (RH) level allows you to keep the press rolling by printing out consistent quality end products.

Control Your Humidity With Fogco

How Fogco Can Help

Paper is hygroscopic. This means that paper tries to absorb and release water from its environment to maintain equilibrium. 

Proper humidity control helps eliminate issues like paper curling or shrinking while increasing ink absorption and improving machine operations. Our humidification system uses atomized water to create a vapor. This results in a humidity-controlling fog that eliminates condensation concerns on your equipment, employees, and paper.

All Fogco fans require a high-pressure 1,000 PSI pump to reach ideal performance.

Revolution Humidification Fan Category Image

The Revolution®

The Revolution® is our flagship high-pressure humidification fan designed to disperse mist up to 30’. For larger printing facilities, this revolutionary fan is capable of covering up to 3,600 square feet and:

  • Includes a stainless steel fog ring
  • Includes 10 misting nozzle fittings
  • Provides 2,100 CFM
  • Is available in 115V or 230V.
Shop The Revolution®

The Evolution®

The Evolution® is a cannon-shaped humidification system designed to easily control the humidity of areas with restricted height or long, narrow applications. This system produces a high-powered single-column stream of fog that reaches up to 50’ and covers 1,000 square feet. It also:

  • Provides 250 CFM
  • Uses .23 amps at 115V
  • Adapts to Fogco’s 3 nozzle cluster
Shop The Evolution®
Evolution Humidification Fan Category Image

See How Fogco Can Help Your Printing Press

Benefits of a Fogco Humidification System


Low humidity can cause unsafe working conditions. By properly controlling your humidity level, you’re protecting your equipment, employees, and your products.

Reduces Costs

Irregular moisture can cause severe damage to paper and equipment, costing your facility a lot of money. When you control your humidity with Fogco, you can prevent damage, increase production, and save on utility bills.


The right humidity level will help eliminate product damage like curling and shrinking issues while increasing ink absorption and printing press productivity.

Industry-Lead Experience

With over 30 years of experience, Fogco has established themselves as an industry leader in high-pressure humidity control for printing and paper storage facilities.

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Common Printing Facility Humidification System Questions

How Do Fogco Humidification Systems Work?

Industrial humidification systems produce a fine, high-performance vapor of fog that regulates the moisture in the air through innovative evaporative cooling techniques.

Will a Climate Control System Increase My Utility Bill?

Contrary to popular belief, climate control systems won’t increase your costs. Balancing your humidity and temperature levels the right way with Fogco’s innovative humidification technology will help you save on utility bills over time. High-pressure technology is very efficient especially compared to other technologies like steam or compressed air.

Will Humidifiers Get My Printing Facility Wet?

Our humidifiers for printing facilities keep your air quality at its best. By setting your humidifier to the optimal humidity,  you ensure optimal health and productivity all year long, no matter what the outdoor weather conditions are.

What Is the Optimal Relative Humidity Level for My Printing Facility?

Your facility’s ideal humidity level depends on the type of print you’re producing. Digital printing should maintain an RH between 50 to 55%. Offset printing needs a higher RH of 55%. Finally, inkjet printing needs an RH balanced between 45 and 50%.

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Let Fogco Create the Humidity Your Press Needs