We Provide Solutions for Cannabis Producers

With the recent developments surrounding legalized medical and recreational cannabis, many industrial growers need solutions for large-scale cannabis propagation. Why? Because there are many challenges associated with producing cannabis on an industrial level. These challenges can include cannabis odor control, humidification, cooling, disinfecting, and more.

At Fogco, we understand the challenges faced by industrial cannabis growers, and have spent years developing industry-leading solutions to every issue cannabis producers may encounter.

Cannabis Odor Control

One of the biggest issues to address is the odor related to cannabis growth. Cannabis plants themselves produce a very pungent odor as they flower, and because of this, states have developed strict regulations regarding cannabis odor.

In most states, cannabis odor must be completely prevented from escaping outside the facility. If cannabis producers fail to effectively control cannabis odor, they risk incurring costly environmental fees and complaints from nearby businesses.

With these regulations in mind, industrial cannabis production centers must do everything they can to implement effective cannabis odor controls. Although the needs vary from facility to facility, cannabis odor removal and control include some of the following actions:

  • Effective odor control
  • Humidification for flowering rooms, curing rooms, and drying rooms
  • Disinfection and sterilization of maturing flowering plants

In all of the above cases, high–pressure fog systems are an ideal means to address the issue of cannabis odor control. Through years of industry experience, Fogco has created the perfect system for industrial odor control for cannabis. Our cannabis odor control systems use a combination of high-pressure fog systems and a scientifically researched mixture of essential oils that acts as an extremely effective odor eliminator.

When it comes to cannabis odor control, air filtration in itself is not enough to completely eliminate odors. However, there are a couple different methods of effective odor control that industrial cannabis producers need to consider. These include charcoal filters systems and high-pressure fog systems.

Charcoal filter systems have traditionally been used by those in the industry, and there’s a good reason for that. When they are properly designed, installed, and utilized, charcoal filter systems can be effective in neutralizing cannabis odor. However, these systems also have drawbacks: They tend to be expensive, and maintenance can be very time-consuming. Charcoal filters also restrict airflow back into the cannabis production area, which can affect the health of plants and the production yield.

High-pressure fog systems are very popular in the industry. This method of cannabis odor control does not just cover the odor up—it absorbs and eliminates it completely. Of course, the level of effectiveness greatly depends on the manufacturer you choose.

Over the last 30 years, Fogco has developed an effective means of odor control. By injecting our proprietary blend of all natural and biodegradable ingredients into our high–pressure fog system, we provide billions of atomized droplets that attach to and eliminate noxious odors, including the pungent odor associated with flowering cannabis plants. This is not a masking effort. It eliminates the molecules that contain the odor.

Cannabis Humidification

Some cannabis production facilities require increased humidity levels during the various stages of propagation and harvest. When adding humidity in large open areas during the flowering stage, a traditional line system or one of Fogco’s proprietary Fog Fan products can be used.

The drying and curing processes will usually be in smaller more confined areas.

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Cannabis Cooling

As cannabis grow facilities expand throughout the country and around the world, effective climate control is becoming a bigger challenge. In areas where the summer months can be too hot to allow for productive growth within a facility, an efficient means of cooling is needed. The Fogco high-pressure misting system is the answer. With operating costs that are a fraction of traditional air conditioning, and with effectiveness that exceeds most evaporative cooling options, these systems are becoming more and more popular as a means of maintaining ideal temperatures within the grow facility.

Cannabis Disinfecting & Sterilizing

Two of the most devastating developments for a cannabis grow facility are the development of fungus or the presence of pests. This can be especially concerning during the critical flowering stage of the plant. In some cases, this can result in a product that is not suitable for medical use.

The unique characteristics of the Fogco system, a dense fog with billions of micron-sized droplets, allows complete penetration of the entire canopy of the flowering plant. The result is total coverage of all leaves and buds in a matter of seconds.

By incorporating a sterilizing solution, a completely safe and extremely effective means of pest, mold, and mildew elimination can be achieved. As an alternative, de-ionized water mixed with Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) can be used.

When using Fogco’s equipment and your supplied solution for disinfecting and sterilizing cannabis plants, you can ensure that your industrial cannabis production company is creating products of the highest quality. You can rest assured that your product will remain strong and healthy through every stage of growth. You’ll avoid having to deal with loss of product and revenue, and you’ll also avoid having to pay hefty environmental fines, as you will be completely complying with state laws.

Conditions for industrial cannabis production vary, and are different from requirements for warehouse style facilities. This can make it difficult to ensure that facilities are always in line with state regulations. However, no cannabis producer wants to mistakenly break state regulation laws or inconvenience others. The Fogco Customer Service Department can help you ensure that your cannabis production is in line with all laws and running as smoothly as possible.

Contact the Fogco Customer Service Department to discuss your particular needs and allow us to design a cannabis odor, misting, cooling, or sterilizing system that addresses your specific requirements.